Home School Monitoring Service
General Home Schooling Information
FAQ's |
1) What courses does my student need to complete in order to qualify for Substantial High School equivalency?
2) Where can I find examples of acceptable IHIPs, Quarterly Reports, and Annual Assessments?
3) When can my student stop home schooling? In New York State, section 3205 of the Education Law requires a child's attendance in full-time day instruction from the age of six to the end of the school year in which the child turns sixteen, or seventeen for school districts that select this age. 4) How can I demonstrate that my home-schooled student is prepared for college? A letter of substantial equivalency signed by the district superintendent, also known as a letter of completion, may be requested once the home-schooled student has completed the necessary units and hours of instruction. 5) How can my student obtain a high school equivalency diploma? In New York State, there are four pathways to a High School Equivalency diploma. The four pathways are described on the following web page: https://www.acces.nysed.gov/hse/high-school-equivalency-hse 6) Where can I find the Commissioner’s Regulations on Home Instruction? The Commissioner’s Regulations 100.10 are available at this link. 7) Where can I find more information about home schooling requirements? Home Instruction Questions & Answers are available from NYSED at this link. |
Standard Forms |
Webinar Recordings |
January HSMS WS Webinar |
Important Links |
West Seneca CSD Families ONLY – myOneFlow Information
myOneFlow FAQ's |
1) How do I set up a myOneFlow account for my family? 2) How do I change my password? 3) How do I upload Quarterly Reports? Quarterly Report Submission Instructions 4) I’m concerned about the safety of my family’s data in myOneFlow. The primary goal of using the myOneFlow system is to streamline and make more secure our homeschool recordkeeping. Data protection is of paramount importance to Erie 1 BOCES and the Home School Monitoring Service. The myOneFlow system is FERPA and Education Law 2-d compliant. 5) If I want to submit my student’s reports by mail, where should I send them? Home School Monitoring Service 6) Why am I unable to upload my student’s IHIP, quarterly report, or annual assessment? To upload a document, it must be in Word or PDF format and it must not include special characters such as ‘, -‘ or & in the title. 7) Why did the system time out when I entered my student’s quarterly report into the online form? There is a system time-out setting that automatically logs users out after 1 hour. Therefore, parents should complete their form entries and submit them within one hour to avoid being logged out and losing the information they entered. If a parent anticipates needing longer than 1hour for form entry, they should consider typing the entries into a separate document and copying and pasting the information into the online form. |
myOneFlow "How To" Guides |
myOneFlow Links |
myOneFlow Login |