Policy Services
Policy Services of Erie 1 BOCES works with over 375 school districts across New York State to develop and maintain Board-adopted Policy and Administrative (Regulation) Manuals.
Our Services
Policy Services provides:
- Policy Manual Development
- Administrative Manual Development
- Maintenance of Policy and Administrative Manuals (see Levels of Services below)
- Specialized Policy Projects
Not sure what level of service you need? Our Differences Between Service Levels guide, explains the differences between Updates (Level 1), Quarterlies (Level 2), and Audits (Level 3). The Policy Services Summary and Flow Chart of Services provides an overview of all the services available to our subscribing districts. To request these documents or for more information about our services, please email Katherine Peterson, Manager of Policy Services, or call (716) 821-7428.
Levels of Services
- Policy Insights (Level 1)
- Quarterly Policy Revisions (Level 2) / Quarterly Administrative Revisions (Level 2)
- Annual Policy Audit (Level 3) / Annual Administrative Audit (Level 3)
For Our Subscribing Districts
Our policy coordinators continually research changes in federal and state law and regulations, Commissioner's regulations, and state education guidance and apply those changes to policies and regulations.
Stay up to date with the latest updates and revisions by viewing current and past Monthly Updates and Quarterly Revisions on our SharePoint platform. Once at the SharePoint site you will have access to the services that your district has subscribed to.
If you have any questions or issues, please contact your district’s assigned policy coordinator, email Victoria Forcucci or call (716) 821-7534.
Information for District Clerks
In order to assist district clerks with frequently asked questions regarding the maintenance of policy manuals, Policy Services has developed two PowerPoints: one on the numbering and dating of policies, and another on the deletion of policies. If you have any questions or concerns related to the issues these resources address, please email Victoria Forcucci for a copy.
Frequently Asked Questions
How does Erie 1 develop new policies? |
Our team researches changes to state and federal laws and regulations affecting education. At times, these changes require amendments to existing policies and administrative regulations, or the development of entirely new policies and regulations. In the event a new policy is required, we draft the document in such a way as to ensure legal compliance and, to the extent possible, district flexibility. After the draft policy is prepared and reviewed by our team, it is placed in our catalog of sample policies. Your school district must subscribe to one of our maintenance services (Level 1, 2 or 3) or be completing a new policy manual with Erie 1 to receive new policies. |
How can a district determine when a policy is necessary? |
For districts that subscribe to our Policy Update service, the Policy Pulse newsletter provides a thorough explanation of why a policy should be adopted or is necessary. This newsletter contains an explanation for the development or revision of the policy. It will also indicate whether the policy is required by law. This will give your Board of Education the information they need to make sound, informed decisions on policy adoption. All new policies should be reviewed - with the assistance of counsel and considered with the needs of your own school district and its students in mind. |
What is the law or legal authority this policy change is based on? |
Citations at the end of each policy give a reference to the law or regulation the policy is based on. Where appropriate, our policies contain language taken directly from relevant law and regulation. If you have questions about the legal citations incorporated into a particular policy, feel free to contact your assigned policy coordinator. |
Why do my policy and regulation sound the same? |
Policy and regulation may have similar wording, as regulation is based on policy. Regulations provide greater detail as to how policy should be implemented or incorporated into district practices. Not every district has a regulations manual and repetition is, at times, necessary to ensure that all districts get the language they need to be in compliance with law. |
Do we have to put suggested policies in the manual? |
Policy Services suggests that your manual be continually reviewed and updated. Laws and regulations are constantly changing, which affects Policy for school districts. Issues, changing needs and various district events may also affect policy. We offer three different levels of service to assist districts in the continuous maintenance of their policy manuals. Please refer to the "Our Services" and "Definition of Terms" documents for further information on these services. If your policy manual has not been reviewed or revised in over three years, you may wish to consider developing a new manual. Some policies must be reviewed on an annual basis in accordance with law or regulation. Our office maintains a list of such policies, which is available through your policy coordinator. |
How do I access Quarterly Revisions on the Erie 1 BOCES website? |
If you subscribe to the Quarterly Revisions, you will receive an email when a new set of Policy or Administrative Recommended Revisions has been posted to the SharePoint platform. The link to the Online Quarterly Database can also be found under Our Subscribing Districts. With the new SharePoint database, you will now have access to both the “tracked” and/or "clean" copies of the Policies or Regulations/Forms that are maintained on this site. If you have any difficulty accessing the Quarterly Revisions, please contact your assigned policy coordinator for assistance. |
Who do I contact for policy requests and sample policies? |
Each district is assigned a policy coordinator when they begin the process of developing a new manual. That coordinator will remain with your district throughout your service with Erie 1 BOCES. If you do not have your assigned coordinator's name or phone number, call us at (716) 821-7072 for more information. You can also email your coordinator directly if you need assistance. Although you may receive email updates and information from our support staff, they cannot be contacted for policy advice. All service requests should flow through the policy coordinators. |
How do I assign numbers to new policies? |
The Policy Manual is broken down into eight sections: 1000's By-Laws 2000's Internal Operations 3000's Community Relations 4000's Administration 5000's Non-Instructional/Business Operations 6000's Personnel 7000's Students 8000's Instruction Each of these sections has a different scope and addresses a different topic. New policies will generally include a recommended number or will indicate a recommended number that is already assigned to a district-specific policy. In such cases, a new policy should be added to the section or sub-section that governs group of people whose actions are being regulated (for example, a policy that is intended to apply only to teachers should be added to the 6000's), or addresses the topic at issue (for example, purchasing policies should be added to the 5000's). Once a section or sub-section has been identified, add the policy in a place that makes sense in terms of that section or sub-section's organizational scheme. Select the next number in the sequence. If 0 through 9 in that sequence are already taken, move to the next set of ten numbers, if available. Example:
If you have additional questions about numbering our sample policies, please do not hesitate to contact your policy coordinator. |