Educational Foundation
What's New
Pauline Turski an E1B Employee is the lucky winner of the Foundation raffle for the March 1st Sabres Game. All sales benefit E1B Students and Programs.
The Erie 1 BOCES Educational Foundation, Inc. is a private, independent, volunteer-led nonprofit, formed in 2019 to support, encourage and enrich the educational programs and staff activities of Erie 1 Board of Cooperative Educational Services (“BOCES”).
Provide financial support and resources, not otherwise available from regular budget sources or state or federal aid, for the benefit of the educational programs and staff activities offered by the BOCES.
- Fund scholarships for eligible students to attend BOCES adult Workforce Development programs; fund materials, supplies or equipment required for eligible students to participate in all BOCES programs.
- Fund scholarships for graduates of BOCES programs to attend post-secondary institutions in further preparation for competitive employment.
- Engage community support for new initiatives to keep BOCES programs current and state of the art.
- Foster relationships with former students of BOCES programs and their parents, as well as business, industry and government partners.
President and Secretary
Nancy Bojanowski
Vice President and Treasurer
Carol Barber
Elizabeth Angelbeck
Jay Galligan
Melody Jason
Ryan G. Smith
Jennifer VanDusen
716-874-3435 x203
Ryan Miller
Director Emeritus
Judith H. Katz
To contact the Foundation Directors please email
Please feel free to contact any one of these Board members for more information or to share any ideas to assist with our mission.
- Please contact any Board member with ideas or questions.
- Should you wish to donate, checks are made payable to the Erie 1 BOCES Educational Foundation, Inc.
c/o PO Box 823 Buffalo, NY 14231 - Please spread the word about our foundation.
Please consider our foundation as a recipient for your fundraising event.
Each year we produce a flyer and send to our generous donors detailing the accomplishments of that year. We feel strongly that our wonderful donors should see the benefits of their donation. We could not accomplish our goals without you.
$500 Level
Amherst Federal Credit UnionLocal Union #41, International Brotherhood of Electrical Workers
$250 Level
LaBella Associates
National Grid
Cavan, Dudkinski and Associates
Katz and Baehre
Dr. Leonard and Judith Katz
Melody Jason
Webster Szanyi, LLP
Elisabeth Frank ('20) and Colleen Sloan Frank
Elizabeth and John Angelbeck
Erie County Council of Teacher Union Presidents
P-Tech Race and BUILD Staff
James and Melanie Galligan
$100 Level
AFSCME 10, Local 2341Candace Reimer and Family
AFSCME Local 2567
Lancaster Central Teachers Association
Deana Fox, NYSUT
Elizabeth Vignaux, NYSUT, Professional Staff Association
Our thanks to the EPEA for their collaboration on this event.
Erie 1 BOCES 12 Month Employees Special Events Committee
Jane Ogilvie
PTech Staff
Alison Hyde
Kathryn and Richard Gordon
Catherine Goldman
Carol Barber
Melody Jason
Dr. Leonard and Judith Katz
Nancy Bojanowski
Community Foundation for Greater Buffalo by Elizabeth and John Angelbeck
The purpose of these mini grants is to promote and supplement all Erie 1 BOCES instructional programs. The Erie 1 BOCES Educational Foundation, Inc. will fund up to $1000. worth of proposals to BOCES classrooms in this round. No proposal is too small. Maximum award is $250. Four grants will be awarded for Spring semester. (Spring 2023)
“Donald Ogilvie served as Erie 1 BOCES District Superintendent from April of 1997 to June 2014. He is remembered for his integrity, educational leadership and community involvement, which are inherent in the mission of the Erie 1 BOCES Educational Foundation."
Congratulations to the following grant recipients:
- $250 awarded to Kim Tomaszewski and Jenny Osburn in Workforce Development to provide a uniform and supplies for a deserving LPN student to participate in classes.
- $250 awarded to Therese Floss to buy Critter and Bristlebot kits to stimulate creativity and foster the development of fine motor skills.
- $250 awarded to Michael Storms at Potter CTE Center for the purchase of culinary uniforms for their stock.
- $250 awarded to Dawn Bartlett, Jenn Schneider, Caitlin Simson and Marney Steinberg-Daniels to develop a safe “crash pad” area where students with sensory needs can find comfort.
- $250 for Rebecca King’s submission to buy a rolling oven and blender. Students will cook and Rebecca will tie the cooking experience to academics.
- $250 for the grant submitted by Kristine Ford who will create play boxes to stimulate experiences for peer and self play practice.
- $250 awarded for the E1 BOCES Café project submitted by Melissa DiGuiseppe at Northtowns Academy.
Congratulations to the following Mini Grant recipients:
- $250 awarded to Jenny Tomaszewski and Jenny Osborne for a subscription to Simply Nursing to supplement the LPN Nursing Program at Workforce Development.
- $250 awarded to Meghan Burkowski and Marissa Wolf to implement a Trauma Sensitive Respite Space for the students at the Edge Academy.
- $250 awarded to Lauren Sikora to purchase culinary equipment called sous vide as a trial to learn emerging career skills for the students at Potter Career and Tech.
- $250 Awarded to Dawn Bartlett for Active/Flexible Seating to Improve Focus and Attention to Academic Lessons and Tasks for students at Maryvale.
Congratulations to the following Mini Grant recipients:
- $250 awarded to Rose Carcione – an award to buy books to create a Seasonal Literacy curriculum – Winchester Academy.
- $250 awarded to Carolyn Czaplicki – supplies to create a cooking cart and beginning of an enterprise for students at Winchester Academy.
- $250 awarded to Rebecca King – purchase of drums to form a drumming circle stimulating conversation and motor skills at NTA.
- $250 awarded to Kimberly Tomaszewski – creation of an eyelash curriculum to enhance the Salon and Spa programming in Workforce Development.
- $250 awarded to Alison Bouley – purchase of a crash pad for therapy servicing the sensory needs of students at Winchester Academy.
- $250 awarded to Julianne Reinard – supplies to create a professional portfolio for barbering students at Harkness.
Congratulations to the following winners for round 5:
- $250 awarded to Melissa DiGuiseppi - Life Skills Learning Lab- Maryvale .
- $250 awarded to Charlene Lanier and Sally Vacari - 2 Way Water and Sand Table for kindergartners- RISE Academy at Northtowns.
- $250 awarded to Cori Jackson and Tina Wyant - hearing Itinerants to host a district wide Hearing Ice Cream Social for hearing impaired students in E1B programs and their families.
- $250 awarded to Lindsay Arcese and Pamela Carland to start a Greeting Card Shop as an entrepreneurial enterprise- Maryvale.
Congratulations to the following Mini Grant recipients:
- $250 awarded to Kristine Ford and Megan Buchneit from Winchester Academy - for the interactive sensory bins to stimulate language and speech
- $250 awarded to Chelsea Pascucci for Yoto Player - from Winchester Academy - a non screen device that reads books to students
- $250 awarded to Amanda Morton - an OT Therapy Specialist - Learning supplies to simulate work experience and life skills
- $250 awarded to Tracy Szafranek at NTA Supplies for life skills
- $250 awarded to Rebecca King and Christina Sobieski - Northtowns - Supplies to build and maintain a garden to enhance the curriculum
- $160 awarded to Kristen Tanski, Hamburg HS - Weights for morning activity
- $250 awarded to Tracey Szafranek form Northtowns for cooking supplies to continue her successful cooking/baking mini grant.
- $390 awarded to Mary Emminger from Northtowns. She is a physical therapist interested in teaching her class yoga relaxation and strengthening exercises and has requested yoga mats.
- $457 awarded to John Kilanowski from Maryvale Academy who has requested the equipment necessary to teach his students the net sports- pickleball, indoor tennis and badminton.
- $354 awarded to David Schmidt from Maryvale Academy who has requested mannequins to teach his students CPR techniques.
- $497 awarded to Dawn Barlett and Tom Rojek who will work together to create books for each student as well as their classrooms that feature the student's sculptures as illustrations.
Congratulations to the following staff members for their successful mini grant submissions:
- Elizabeth Thurman – CTE - Harkness - $500. awarded for supplies to help children with good hygiene practices.
- Michael Manuella – Alt Ed – Edge Acad. - $497.57 awarded for game boards and games to increase the student’s math and decision-making skills.
- Kristen Tanski - Ex Ed Hamburg HS - $150. awarded for yoga mats for her classroom since much of the morning exercise is done on the floor of the classroom
- Laurie Sedita - Ex Ed - Maryvale Academy - $494.91 awarded for clothing racks, shelving and hangars. She is creating a clothes closet and food pantry for her school area.
- Lindsay Simmen and Jessica Kelly Alt Ed and Ex ED CCRA, Edge Acad. $494.85 awarded. Laurie and Jessica are science teachers and want to create a garden with their students and discuss the science of food and healthy eating.
- Kara Zamerski - CTE Harkness - Culinary - $450. awarded for food grade gloves for knife work with her students.
- Jessica Fuszara - Ex Ed Depew Satellite - $425. awarded for lighted tables where the students will work with manipulatives and learn letters and numbers.

The Amherst Federal Credit Union has partnered with the Erie 1 BOCES Educational Foundation and Workforce Development to provide low-income students greater access to quality, adult education programs by offering scholarships.
Eligible students must demonstrate financial need, become members of the AFCU, and enroll in a full-time Workforce Development program. A full-time program is defined as a program greater than 100 clock hours in length. Scholarship applications will be reviewed in the order in which they are received. Scholarships will be applied only after all other sources of grants or sponsorships have been applied.
For more information, Email Kim Tomaszewski.
2024 Recipients:
Melody Cusick was awarded $300. "Right now the biggest barrier that will impact access to school is transportation. Completing the LPN program will allow me to get a better paying job so i have funds to maintain a vehicle or buy a new one. This program is a blessing to myself and family."
Zakea Grazy was awarded $100. "My journey to become a labor and delivery nurse”.
Brittany Kinmartin was awarded $300. "I work part-time and am barely getting by with all of my expenses. It's even difficult to buy groceries. I had to have an unexpected surgery which has added to my financial hardship", LPN program
Aislynn Gonzales was awarded $200.
Brooker Barnes was awarded $200.
Montrice Fisher was awarded $200. "Completing this program will give me financial freedom. I will be making more doing what I love, giving me room to breathe", LPN program.
Ashley Jackson was awarded $200.
E'Kyrah Nunn was awarded $300.
In collaboration with the Amherst Federal Credit Union.
For the 2025 calendar year, a scholarship of $750 will be awarded to two Erie 1 BOCES students who meet the following criteria. Application deadline is April 18, 2025
2024 Erie 1 BOCES Educational Foundation Winners
Paige Zitnik was a student in the New Visions program. She will be attending Daemen University in the fall and will study in the medical field.
Erik Slimko was a member of the Visual Arts program at Calspan. He will be attending Full Sail University in the fall to further pursue the Visual Arts and Recording. His goal is to be a professional DJ and music producer.
Andre Biddlecom was a student in Michael Schermerhorn's Exercise Science program. Andrew is from Clarence Central and will pursue his passion for exercise science at college in the fall.
Grace Szpylman from Lancaster Central attended Ms. Ruh's Early Childhood Education at Harkness. Grace plans to attend SUNY Erie in the fall and then go onto Buff State for her bachelor's degree. Her goal is to be an Early Childhood teacher.